
Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Belarus in host states

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus in Bangkok — Ms. Koranun Sukonritikorn (50/9 2nd floor, Sang Ngoen Alley, Sukhumvit 55 Rd., North Klongton, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand; tel.: + 668 6665 3000, E-mail: consularbelarus@gmail.com)

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus in Vientiane — Mr. Yury Kerbo (Ban Watnak Noi 08/170 P.O. Box 5401, Vientiane, Lao PDR; tel.: +856 21 314208, fax: +856 21 353043, E-mail: jaankerbo@gmail.com)

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus in Yangon — Dr. Aung Moe Myint (№15, Waizayandar Road, Ngwe Kyar Yan Quarters, South Okkalapa Township, Yangon, Republic of the Union of Myanmar; tel.: +95 1 563209, fax: +95 1 565845)

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